We offer a wide range of skin care solutions, for beauty, health and wellness. Now through December 1st, we are offering 10% off all Epionce products, when you add one on to your treatment service. Ask about this special when you make your next appointment!
Author: Dr. Paul A. Madsen, Ph.D., M.D.
No Events Currently Scheduled
Thank you to all who attended our November Esthetics Event! We currently have no events scheduled for this next few months.
Dr. Madsen’s Bio-Identical Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy
What is a hormone? The word hormone is derived from the Greek word hormao, which means “I arouse to activity.” A hormone is a biochemical messenger that is basically a molecular call to action that can work with incredible speed, complexity, and specificity to communicate information. If anything goes wrong with that complex hormonal communication … Continue Reading »
Tooth Loss, Obesity, and Depression May All Predict Cardiovascular Disease
as reported in Patient Care Online, October 2003 The American Stroke Association reports that tooth loss caused by gum disease may be a marker of subclinical cardiovascular disease (CVD) and atherosclerosis based on preliminary findings from the Oral Infections and Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study (INVEST). While previous studies had suggested a link between gum disease … Continue Reading »
Nutrition: Do Arctic Diets Protect Prostates?
as reported in Science News, October 18, 2003 Prostate cancer’s prevalence and its increase with age tend to be consistent from country to country. A new study finds one major exception to this cancer’s high prevalence in older men: Arctic Inuit populations. Assessments of cancer in Inuit groups in Alaska, Canada, and Greenland had hinted … Continue Reading »
Farmed Salmon Bring PCBs to the Dinner Table
as reported in Science News, January 24, 2004 High concentrations of chlorinated organic contaminants in farm-raised Atlantic salmon may warrant limiting consumption of the otherwise-healthful fish to no more than once per month, researchers say. They add that most wild-caught Pacific salmon can be eaten at least 2 or 4 times monthly without significantly increasing … Continue Reading »
Contamination of the Puget Sound Fish Supply
The Puget Sound’s (Washington State) salmon now contain high polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).Puget Sound’s salmon carry high PCB levels. But the State of Washington says health benefits of eating the fish “outweigh” risks. (Robert McClure and Lisa Stifler, Seattle P-l reporters–January 15, 2004) Puget Sound’s wild chinook salmon carry long-lived industrial chemicals at levels as high … Continue Reading »
Manufacturing Process of Dr. Madsen’s Omega-3 MD™ Phytoplankton-Fish Oil Supplement
Step 1: Extraction of the fish oil Step 2: Winterization–to remove limited amounts of saturated fats Step 3: Absorption–remove heavy metals Step 4: Preliminary Molecular Distillation–refining “touch up” to reduce polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and cholesterol Step 5: Oil conversion into ether esters Step 6: Ethyl Ester Thermal Fractionation–to remove additional saturated fats Step 7: True … Continue Reading »
Omega-3: The Lost Nutrient
Today, researchers estimate around 80% of the sources of Omega-3 have disappeared from the food sources that comprise our Western diet. This means that, unlike our Paleolithic ancestors whose diet was comprised of both the essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in the right proportions, Omega-3 has literally become the missing, or “lost nutrient” in … Continue Reading »
The Human Brain is Shrinking
One of the nation’s foremost neuropsychiatric research physicians at Harvard Medical School has recently come to the startling conclusion: THE HUMAN BRAIN IS SHRINKING! It is now 10% smaller than it was just 100 years ago.The apparent shrinkage is most likely correlated with the widespread shortage of Omega-3 essential fatty acids experienced over the generations. These extremely … Continue Reading »